Well, being that we are tightening our belts financially, I decided that I could save some money by buying less expensive hair products...So I did, and then seemed to have nothing but bad hair days :(. Now of course there are some less expensive hair products that work well (I like Pantene Great Lengths Shampoo & Conditioner), but I didn't realize how good certain products were until I left them in search for cheaper options. Well, being preggo and not loving my body right now (I'm in the in-between stage, no bump but no waistline either), I decided that now is the time that I definitely need my hair to be on its "A game" so I sucked it up and bought my beloved expensive products! Ahhhhhh, my hair is shinier, fuller and softer already :)
My absolute #1 favorite hair product is a leave in conditioning treatment by i.c.o.n. called Cure. It comes in a pink spray bottle w/ red writing. It is amazing!!! I use it every time I wash my hair and it makes me tangle free! Love it-its worth every penny!