Hello! I was at Bath & Body Works buying my holiday hand soaps(yum!), and they had some promo deal where if you buy a certain amount of stuff you get one item for free (I think it had to be less than $15). So I searched the store and one of the sales girls suggested trying the Sudsing Scrub. I love me a good scrub so I got it. She didn't ask me what flavor-but I guess I looked high stress bc she gave me the Eucalyptus Spearmint Stress Relief Aromatherapy one. So I hadn't used it until yesturday when I got bad news after bad news. Most of the new involves my sweet baby boy Romeo (who isn't really a baby anymore-he is 10) who had surgery and the vet suspects that he has cancer :( That thought devastates me more than I can explain-but I'm hoping and praying that the vet will be wrong (we are now waiting until the pathology report comes in). Other bad news is more annoying than anything-we have to move out of our house for a week starting Monday bc a pipe burst in our kitchen and long story short we are doing major demo/construction and cant live at home during it. Normally Id say-no biggie lets go stay w/ Kevin's mom in San Diego-but I'm 37 weeks preggo and cant travel. So its a dog friendly hotel for us. Which is fine-but I need to do some nesting and get ready for this baby (I haven't washed any of his stuff, haven't set everything up, etc)! Okay-back to the sudsing scrub. So yesterday-would have been a great day for either a stiff martini or a large glass of wine-but I'm not into drinking while preggo (I know some say its safe-but for me, its a no go). So I turned to this stress relief scrub and I have to say it was pretty nice! Its got a herb-y smell that I wouldn't want to use daily-but it did seem to calm be down a bit. AND a scrub that gets sudsy is fantastic in my book :) Above is a picture of Romeo and me 2 Halloweens ago as matching pumpkins :)