Bloggers, Im not much of a workout dvd kind of gal. I love classes (barre classes to be specific, and the best barre class is The Dailey Method to be even more specific!), I think I feed of the energy and music in class and just cant recreate that at home. BUT I have to say that this prenatal pilates video is fantastic!! Its called "10 Minute Solution: Prenatal Pilates" and it is great! The instructor, Lizbeth Garcia, is very preggo herself (I'm guessing about 8 months) and she isn't annoying like most video instructors. The video is in 10 minute segments and is great for beginners and more advanced preggos. I like it bc it just feels really good to do it AND when I don't feel like exercising-I can say-"ok I'm just going to do one 10 minute segment" and I normally feel so great after the 1st 10 minutes that I end up doing at couple more segments too! I ordered it on Amazon and it will be a gift I give to my friends when they get preggo(along w/ some books that I really like!). Alright-I'm going to go do it right now!