I hate to admit this but I am an ex-tanner :( My Bestie Jules and I used to do what we called "double days" in college. We would wake up, drive to a tanning salon then come home and lay out at the Pi Phi house until it was time to get ready for our evenings festivities! Talk about sun damage :( Oh well-we can't turn back the clock but I have had to do a lot of skin "correcting" on the not so cute brown spots I accumulated on my face (mainly my forehead). I will post soon about how I finally got rid of the brown spots(they are gone!), but today's post is about how I keep them away: Sunscreen. Not just any screen will do. The best, most protective one is Clarins SPF 40 oil free. I promise you its better than your Neutrogena SPF 70 or whatever sunscreen you are currently using. It isn't really about the SPF in this case-its about the fact that this sunscreen has a physical block too and the sun just does not penetrate it. It amazing and it changed my skin! I get it at Sephora or Nordies, its $40 a bottle-but that bottle lasts forever. If I am walking, gardening, boating or spending any significant amount of time in the sun-I am religious about putting this on.
The other one is Kate Somerville Protect SPF 30. It smells so good and isn't as protective as the Clarins. This is my winter sunscreen or the one I wear if I'm not going to be outside at much (because I wear sunscreen on my face every single day). I get this one at Nordies too and I love it. It is moisturizing-but doesn't leave my skin oily at all. With these 2 sunscreens in my bag-I can happily enjoy my summer and know that my face won't pay the price down the road :)