That's right!! Moving up to a bigger bra size!! The only thing growing faster than this belly are these boobies (or how they say on housewives on NJ "bubbies")!! I was kind of in size denial but it was time to upgrade. So while I was at Nordies Anniversary sale I got a few new/larger bras. Ive now entered into uncharted size territory for me...scary..and kind of fun!! So I got several different kinds-but i think the best, most comfy one is this DKNY Comfort Extreme Demi Bra. Its cheap too!! Was $36 and now during the sale (3 days left!) its only $23.90!! I've had martinis that cost more than that!! I'm not sure if this is such an amazing bra for my smaller chested bloggers-but for my fellow Ds and above-it feels like heaven :) Happy Friday!!