Seriously-I suck! I haven't been returning phone calls or emails, I haven't been on facebook in ages, I have no clue whats going on in any of my magazines or fav shows (except Top Chef All Stars and Housewives of Beverly Hills-those I've managed to keep up with!). I have been very busy being mama/wife/holiday hostess/business owner. It is insane! I'm typing one handed w/ a sleeping baby on me while the cleaners are cleaning up the last of the pine needles on our floor :) BUT, my sweet product-loving friends, I have also been trying TONS of new goodies and have lots of great new finds to share! So-honestly I probably wont be blogging quite as much as before, but I will make an effort to get on at least a few times a week! In cute baby news: Tanner is smiling up a storm and slept last night from 9pm-ish to 4am!!! I think I may have actually gotten into REM! I'm headed to my OB for my 6 week check up and hopefully she will green light my exercising (I started taking Dailey Method classes again this past week) and green light sexy time w/ Kevin!!! Products that I'll be blogging about soon: this AMAZING under eye illuminator, fabulously fresh smelling body butter, nipple cream that rocks my world, a new fav lip balm, and much, much more!!! Ohhhh and I'll also share my new year's resolutions w/ you(so I feel like I have to keep them!). Hope you all had a fab holiday! Above is a pic of Kevin, Tanner in his Bjorn and me on xmas morning and a couple of me and Tanner by our tree :)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
OMG I have fallen off the face of the planet!!!!
Seriously-I suck! I haven't been returning phone calls or emails, I haven't been on facebook in ages, I have no clue whats going on in any of my magazines or fav shows (except Top Chef All Stars and Housewives of Beverly Hills-those I've managed to keep up with!). I have been very busy being mama/wife/holiday hostess/business owner. It is insane! I'm typing one handed w/ a sleeping baby on me while the cleaners are cleaning up the last of the pine needles on our floor :) BUT, my sweet product-loving friends, I have also been trying TONS of new goodies and have lots of great new finds to share! So-honestly I probably wont be blogging quite as much as before, but I will make an effort to get on at least a few times a week! In cute baby news: Tanner is smiling up a storm and slept last night from 9pm-ish to 4am!!! I think I may have actually gotten into REM! I'm headed to my OB for my 6 week check up and hopefully she will green light my exercising (I started taking Dailey Method classes again this past week) and green light sexy time w/ Kevin!!! Products that I'll be blogging about soon: this AMAZING under eye illuminator, fabulously fresh smelling body butter, nipple cream that rocks my world, a new fav lip balm, and much, much more!!! Ohhhh and I'll also share my new year's resolutions w/ you(so I feel like I have to keep them!). Hope you all had a fab holiday! Above is a pic of Kevin, Tanner in his Bjorn and me on xmas morning and a couple of me and Tanner by our tree :)
Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy Monday Bloggers!! I hope you all had a fab weekend! I went to the mall yesterday with my mom and we got a bunch of x-mas shopping done. Now I just need to wrap the gifts and I'll be very close to being done :) Even though it was 87 degrees yesterday-I was definitely put in the holiday spirit by shopping! There are so many things I love about this time of year and I thought this week I would share some of them with you. So first thing first is this amazing tea! It is soooooo good-like seriously yummy!! It is Celestial Seasonings Holiday Teas Candy Cane Lane Decaffeinated Green Holiday Tea and I am obsessed with it! I have been trying to get into drinking hot tea ever since I heard Cindy Crawford tell Oprah that she prefers tea lattes to espresso lattes (for those of you who don't know Cindy Crawford is my hero). But a lot of times hot tea just tastes so tea-ish. Well this stuff has a wonderful flavor: an irresistible blend of peppermint, creamy vanilla and just a touch of cinnamon and sweet blackberry leaves. AND its decaf. AND its green tea and we all know how healthy that is. So chug a lug Product Junkies, this stuff is tasty and healthy and its screams Merry Christmas :)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Do Your Pups Have Expensive Taste?

Mine do!! Bella and Romeo are picky pups and love the finer things in life (and this should not surprise anyone because look who raised these little munchkins!). They are fanatical about their Greenies. We give them one Greenie everyday when we leave the house. They expect it. As soon as I put shoes on, Romeo is waiting by the front door for his "goodbye treat". Well Greenies are expensive! Like ridiculous! And there are lots of cheap imitations-but none that ever appealed to my little snob Romeo (Bella btw will eat anything to be polite...such a lady!), until now...Nylabone Nutri Dent Original Minichews seems to pass the test! The minichews are for dogs up to 10 lbs (Bella, like her mommy, is a few lbs over weight right now, but we still give her the minichews) and both dogs seem to really like them! They are less than half the price of Greenies! Bone Appetite! Get it "Bone" instead of "Bon", yep this is the kind of humour sleep deprivation elicits :)
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
OK I suck as a blogger!!!

Ahhhh why is it so hard to get ANYTHING done right now? I am used to being very efficient and let me tell you, I still write out lofty to-do lists daily and get to about 2 of the tasks. It is hard bc all I want to do is spend time w/ my little love!! Good news is that Baby Tanner is gaining weight like a mad man! 2 lbs 2oz in 2 weeks! The pediatrician was shocked! And impressed (and he said "well obviously you are tired bc you must be feeding him all of the time", which is true!)! Great news about the little man getting a bit bigger is that he can sleep longer now and I can (try to) space out his feedings so I can get some stuff done!
So today I'm posting about one of the easiest ways to look better quickly...whiten your teeth!! I didn't do it while preggo and actually I didn't think I touched up these pearly whites since our wedding (Oct 08). So as part of my "extreme make over post-baby edition", I will get these teeth pearly and white again asap! I have teeth trays that the dentist made (2 sets actually), but truth be told-I prefer the good old fashion Crest White Strips. They really work! And they don't irritate my gums or cause tooth sensitivity the way my trays do. So that's my product for the day! Happy Bleaching :)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Goodbye Dark Circles!

So last night Kevin and I had our 1st night out away from Tanner. It was Kevin's 32ND birthday and since my mom is staying w/ us to help w/ the baby-we thought we would have a little date night. So I tried to get pretty, and my 1st order of business was covering up these dark circles!! Enter Physicians Formula Concealer Twins® 2-in-1 Correct & Cover Cream Concealer in Light/Yellow. This stuff is pretty great! It has 2 wands: one w/ a yellow color that you put on 1st to counter act the purple circles, then there is a skin colored concealer that you use on top. Here is the info from the manufacturer:
Conveniently joins together a color corrective and a light, flesh-tone cream concealer to help you achieve flawless-looking skin.
Yellow hides dark under-eye circles and other bluish skin discolorations.
Green color corrects red blemishes and scars.
Light covers yellow and any minor skin imperfections.
Gentle creamy formula, transfer-resistant, water-resistant and glides on smoothly to a velvety finish.
Hypoallergenic. Fragrance-free. Non-comedogenic. Recommended by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. SPF 10.
I must say that it made me look only kind of totally exhausted :) It is only $6.99 at Target and worth every penny! Date night was nice-we went out to a fancy dinner and it was nice to just be the 2 of us (although I did cry when we left baby T!). Ok-time to shower and apply my concealer :)
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